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Keynote Speaker, Workshops and Panelist


The 16th International Conference on the Short Story in English, "Diversity of Voices: A Global Storytelling History."


Reading, workshop leader, and panelist, "The Importance of Flash Fiction, with Chair Dr Shady Cosgrove, Australia, and fellow panelists, Dr. Julia Prendergast, Australia, and Dr. Gay Lynch, Australia. The conference will focus on the craft of writing both short stories and creative non-fiction in its various forms and designs as well as its accompanying criticism and scholarship. Special panels include teaching creative writing in schools and tertiary institutions, children’s literature, young adult fiction, and translated works into English from Singapore’s other official languages of Tamil, Malay and Mandarin. National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, June 20 to 24, 2023


Lewes Creative Writers Conference

August 18, 2023, 5:00 PM, Readings

Jamie Brunson, Anne Colwell, Caleb Curtiss, Maribeth Fischer,   

Allyson Rice, and Billie Travalini 

Lewes Public Library

111 Adams Avenue

Lewes DE 19958 


Lewes Creative Writers Conference

August 19, 2023, 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM Lewes Public Library

111 Adams Avenue

Lewes DE 19958


Poetry. Prose. Playwriting. and, more. 


Collaboration and Writing for the Long-Haul, Maribeth Fischer and Anne Colwell; Vampire Poems: Formal Experimentation and the Generative Process, Caleb Curtiss; Using Humor to Add Depth the Your Writing, Allyson Rice; Flash Fiction: Why it is Popular and Why you Should be Writing it, Billie Travalini; French Scene Outlining:  the Key to Knowing Where You are Going and How to get There, Jamie Brunson; plus Grants & Opportunities for Artists, Roxanne Stanulis; critique roundtables, and readings by DDOA Fellows.


June 20 - 23, 2023 Panelist and Reading 

The International Conference on the Short Story in English was launched in 1988 in Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, by the Society for the Study of the Short Story in English (SSSS). The 16th conference will take place at The National Institute of Education,    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore with the theme, “Diversity of Voices: A  Global Storytelling History.

The conference will focus on stories and creative non-fiction as well as accompanying criticism and scholarship. Panels include teaching creative writing in schools and tertiary institutions, children’s literature, young adult fiction, and translated works into English from Singapore’s other official languages of Tamil, Malay and Mandarin.


Plenary Session: The Importance of “flash fiction”

Dr Shady Cosgrove, chair, Australia

Dr. Julia Prendergast, Australia

Dr. Billie Travalini, United States

Dr. Gay Lynch, Australia


May 20, Noon, Guest Speaker and Workshop Leader

National Federation of Pen Women (NFPW), Diamond State Branch 

Scholastic Writing Awards

Brandywine Clubhouse

Wilmington, DE  19810


This year 257 students from the Delaware Region submitted 370 works to the Scholastic Writing Competition. Claire Sanders, a twelfth grader from Tower Hill School, received a Gold Medal for her short story, Tyme and Time Again. and Caroline Shelman, a 9th grader from Saint Mark’s received a Gold Medal and American Voice Award for her personal memoir, Growing Pains. 


Reading & Panel Discussion 


Delaware Humanities Forum

ZOOM webinar.

Date Time: Mar 24, 20
21 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

History’s Mysteries, a series of books for ages 7 through 12, proves that Delaware’s history can be interesting and fun. Chapter 6 "The Secret of the Helmet" by Billie Travalini, read by the author; also meet illustrator Sidney Rae Moore; "Conclusion" by David Teague, read by author.
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


Keynote Speaker & Coordinator


14th Annual Lewes Creative Writers’ Conference

Saturday, August 14, 2021, with readings the evening before            

Lewes Public Library. Lewes, Delaware

ZOOM Webinar

The schedule will be posted soon. 


Workshop Leader


50th National League of American Pen Women (NLAPW)

April 28-- May 2, 2022


Biennial Convention


The Darcy, 1515 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 


Workshop Leader & Reading


International Conference of the Short Story

June 22--25, 2022, with workshops the day before





Billie Travalini interviewed by Jeff Balk, General Manager

Radio Rehoboth  99.1 WWSX 99.1FM

Preview attachment Travalini_12-02-20.mp3







Billie Travalini Radio Rehoboth InterviewBillie Travalini
00:00 / 10:44
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