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Things Left and Found by the Side of the Road

ISBN - 978-1-912095-63-6


Peachy was short-listed from the three rounds of the 2018 International Bath Flash Fiction Awards. All the stories are 300 words and under and represent authors from over twenty countries. 

Lakeview International Journal of Literature and Arts (IJLA)
Vol. 4 No. 2 August 2016


Never Again was published in Lakeview and short-listed for the Vestal Review Award for Short Fiction. Lakeview, a peer-reviewed open access bi-monthly journal in English, fosters a wider academic interest in literature and arts and published a wide range of research on literature studies, art, art, and art history and theory.

Journal of Caribbean Literatures  


The Dance, Sapphire Beach, St. Thomas, 1970, was published in Volume 7, Number 2, which focused on the struggle for identity, whether through language, gender, sexuality, religion, or the land itself.

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The Moth Magazine Issue 16 Spring 2014

On Hearing My Son Was Socrates and My Husband Frank Sinatra was published in The Moth, a quarterly printed arts & literature magazine featuring poetry, short fiction and art by established and up-and-coming writers and artists.  Each issue also features two interviews. You can find a list of interviewees here


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