Billie Travalini’s work has been published in The Moth, Another Chicago Magazine, Review Revue, Lakeview International Journal of Literature and Art, as well as numerous anthologies. Her stories, Never Again and Peachy were short-listed for the Ventral Review Award for Short Fiction and the International Bath Flash Fiction Awards, respectively. Her memoir, Blood Sisters, was a finalist for the Breadloaf Prize and won the Lewes Clark Discovery Prize. Her edited work includes: On the Mason-Dixon Line: An Anthology of Contemporary Delaware Writers, Teaching Troubled Youth: A Practical Pedagogical Approach, and No Place Like Here: An Anthology of Southern Delaware Poetry and Prose. In 2019, she received the Delaware Division of the Arts Masters Award in Literature, fiction. In 2018, she received the National Federation of Press Women Communicator of Achievement Award, the organization’s highest award. She graduated from the University of Delaware, Phi Beta Kappa Magna Cum Laude and Temple University, where she earned her Masters in Literature and Creative Writing. She teaches at Wilmington University, advocates for at-risk kids and the mentally ill, co-founded and coordinates the Lewes Creative Writers Conference, now in its 13th year, and is busy at work editing Rules to Survive Childhood, a sequel to Blood Sisters, and Rush Limbaugh and the French Apple Pie and Other Stories.